Monster Girls Wiki

Sodacat Sodacat 8 July 2012

100 Pages

And it only took... thirteen months.

I figured Warcraft would be an approrpriate enough page to mark that milestone, although I suppose it's never going to be that large of a page. Neither will Diablo, but that, and an update to Starcraft, should be in the works for the next few days. Maybe I'll finally get through this massive backlog of terrible comics too.


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Sodacat Sodacat 16 March 2012

March 2012 Update

The Monster Girls Wiki: still not back, but I'm working on it. I'll be switching to monthly status updates from now on since weekly updates are out of the question. There still will be content put up sporatically through a month, but for now I'm just going to hold myself towards geting at least one significant thing done each month.

For this month that was wrapping up Species and Devilman, both of which are probably as complete as they can ever be, given the state of both franchises. I guess there might be another Species update if I ever get my hands on Avatar Press' Species Special, and I might update Devilman if I ever play the PSX game, but both seem unlikely at the moment. The Decoys page should be finished by the end of this weekend, …

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Sodacat Sodacat 16 November 2011

Is the Monster Girls Wiki back?

No, not yet. I'd like to return to regular updates, but I don't see it as being exactly possible at the moment. Moving forward, I will attempt to make weekly updates, although those will still probably be a few weeks off. I didn't feel comfortable just straight up abaondoning the wiki, though, so I will still be contributing content of some kind.

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Sodacat Sodacat 4 September 2011

One Week Hiatus

Rebuilding what was lost from the computer failure is a little more time consuming than I thought, so I'll be waiting until next week before resuming daily updates.

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Sodacat Sodacat 31 August 2011

Week 12 recap

Total pages: 77. More work on Terminator this week, as well as some other smaller things along the way, like Suikoden. Started on Sailor Moon, which will probably end up being the most heavily populated part of the site. Because of that I've started watching some Sailor Moon media I've never watched before. The musical stage plays are pretty great, and PGSM is even worse than I could have thought. I may not be a conneseur of tokusatsu, but it has to be near the bottom as far as that genre goes.

As mentioned in the previous post my computer came back from some ugly trouble, so my entire backlog was wiped out. This week will probably see sparse updates until I can rebuild the backlog sometime on the weekend.

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Sodacat Sodacat 29 August 2011

Slight delay

Just had a computer issue slightly to the good side of complete catastrophic failure, so updates for the next few days might be sparse.

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Sodacat Sodacat 24 August 2011

Week 11 recap

Total pages: 74. This weekend saw an overhaul of taxonomy and myth categories, hopefully making the wiki much easier to search. I've also added a wiki project; a bit of a scavenger hunt. I actually located many of them on the Video Game Villainess Encyclopedia, and will be adding what info is appropirate from that website to the wiki over time. Mostly as I find more info about the specific games.

This week also saw a third contributer to the wiki, who posted a koudelka page and then vanished into the mists. I hope I didn't scare him off. Come back mystery editer!

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Sodacat Sodacat 16 August 2011

Week 10 recap

Total pages: 70. I should really edit the front page to start displaying these. Finally did a proper "advertisement" for the wiki on the english translation forum for the Monster Girls Encyclopedia. Saw a fairly large spike in views thanks to that. No new editors though. Can't have everything.

More work on D&D this week. Still have a lot of 3e sourcebooks to go through, but 2e is looking to be fairly dry. Maybe I can track down some unofficial books. Thanks to neogaf I also added some pics to a Legacy of Kain page for a game that will never be. Pity that. Also need to track down better images for Deep Fear. I know the artist snuck some of those into his general art books.

Will I finally get around to putting up pages for all these Verotik an…

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Sodacat Sodacat 9 August 2011

Week 9 Recap

Total pages: 66. This week marks the first contribution by someone other than myself. Bza wrote an article for Magical Pokaan (which I'm going to have to edit at some point to make it look more uniform). I'll have to figure out some way of attracting other editors, but I'm drawing a blank as where to advertise.

As for my own contributions I keep working through this pile of OVAs as well as adding D&D stuff. The D&D material has given me quite a backlog, so that shouldn't be a problem for awhile. As promised last week there is also a style guide now, incomplete though it might be.

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Sodacat Sodacat 2 August 2011

Week 8 recap

Total pages: 61. Ended up adding more pages than I suspected this week. Still have a lot of small press comic stuff and maybe a few OVAs to do. Unfortunately most OVAs involving monsters and girls prefer to just spend their time on breasts, but I should not be surprised by this. Finally finished the dreadful Mao Dante anime as well. I didn't think anything would improve my optinion of Devilman Lady, but there it is.

Started a D&D page, and holy hell is that going to require a lot more research. By this time next week I will absolutely have a preliminary standards page of some kind.

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Sodacat Sodacat 26 July 2011

Week 7 recap

Total pages: 55. Probably finished up Devilman this week, aside from some minor entries. Marathoning through a whole series is wearing me out, especially when a series is as pointless as Devilman Lady or as boring as Mao Dante. I'm transitioning into some OVA now, so at worst they'll still be nice to look at. Demon City went up last night, and Wicked City should be up soon too.

I think I could have a lot more respect for Wicked City if it just scaled back on the porn a teensy bit. Up until about half an hour in it could have just been a heavily sexual story, but after that point every single scene involves a naked woman either having sex or being raped. The animation is so great too.

Might need to start building up the backlog again. I know …

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Sodacat Sodacat 19 July 2011

Week 6 recap

Total articles: 53. Yup, lots of time taken up by Devilman. Luckily I was able to find the original series, which is actually fairly good as far as the genre of giant monster cartoons go. Amazingly violent, but then that was the 70s for you. The remainder of the monsters from both TV series should be done by the end of the week. Then all I'll need is the Devilman Lady manga, Devilman vs Mazinger, CB Chara Go Nagai World, and the FC and PSX Devilman games, and I will have consumed the entirety of all Devilman media. Frightening.

Also added are a few small comic pages and starter pages for Parasite Eve and Darkstalkers. Those should take too much time (he says, knocking on wood). Forgot to mention creating a new front page last week. It's mostly ripp…

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Sodacat Sodacat 13 July 2011

Week 5 recap

Total pages: 49. As expected Wizardry was something of a slog, and I can't even find good sources for the art of the current games. I can barely even find into on the Japan exclusive ones like Xth and Empire, never mind the cell phone games.

Other than that I've started putting up Devilman this week, and that's going to take awhile too. Not sure where I'm going to find the original Devilman animated series, but so far I've sat through Devilman Lady (bad) the Devilman OVAs (pretty good) and the Devilman movie (bad, but Bob Sapp does his best to redeem it). I'm sure Sailor Moon is going to be just as much a pain in the ass whenever I get around to that.

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Sodacat Sodacat 6 July 2011

Week 4 recap

Total pages: 46. This week has been pretty much exclusively devoted to the Megaten page. All the images are up to date of SMT3, but there's still a hell of a lit of missing info. Post-SMT3 art is hard to find too. Probably, like CV, due to how much is copied from earlier games. Started on Wizardry as well, and that's going to be just as annoying to find modern art for.

As of 2011 there are nine Tomie movies. Nine! The Japanese movie industry frightens and confuses me.

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Sodacat Sodacat 28 June 2011

Week 3 recap

Total page count: 40. Probably a few more than that once I start breaking down the Megaten page. I should have known that would be a bloated page, but I was not prepared. I don't even have art for the most recent games.

Other than that this week has been more games and comics. Games will probably lead next week as I search through... a website I have lost. Damn. Well I'm sure I can find it again. Absurd amount of concept art, that page had. I'm finding so many monster girls in comics, actually, that I've started going through the weekly scans digests. Man is there a lot of crap in there. I'm glad that, of all the vices I've picked up, capes comics are not one of them.

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Sodacat Sodacat 21 June 2011

Week 2 recap

Week 2 of the MGW has passed, and we still really need a standards page. I have a hard enough time as it is not flipflopping between tenses in the middle of an article, but this is something that still needs to get done.

Aside from that I've only put up a few pages this week and straightened out a few of the first pages. Have made a few neat discoveries while researching, though, just like I was hoping to when I started this project. While looking for Darkside Chronicles concept art of Alexia Ashford i stunbled upon unused concept art for a T-Veronica mutated Manuela. I also found that not only did Acclaim's Apocalypse guest star singer Poe, but she played the part of the Horseman of Pestilence. Crazy shit.

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Sodacat Sodacat 13 June 2011

Week 1 recap

Well look at that, I've finally gotten around to following through on a project that I've started. This week I've put up a decent Castlevania page, although there's still more to add to it, and also started a few other pages like Tomb Raider and more obscure stuff like Theseis and The Odd Squad.

We're still going kind of slowly, only 22 pages ATM, but slow and steady will probably keep me from burning out. Still have a ton of content that at the current pace will take me months to put up. After the obvious stuff I can get more into minor appearnaces, which was kind of the point of this wiki from the start.

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